This small landholding in quiet Wentworth Avenue at the top of Coolah has been held by the owner for many years and utilised as a weekender, bringing much joy to the family.
The weekender is comfortable with an open plan kitchen and living area, bathroom and laundry combined, separate toilet. There are two bedrooms under this roof, and a separate bedroom.
The large shed is well set up including a window and wood heater, plenty of room for tools! There are several other sheds on the property.
The land is mainly flat, and has a separate paddock and small dam. Being close to town, it also has town water access.
This property will not last long!
If you would like more details about this or similar properties, please contact your local Coolah agent, Shelley Piper, on 0429 771 031 or [email protected] for more details or to arrange an inspection.
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